
Boys and Girls

My bathroom is a mess right now.

Bags of makeup, several types of shampoo, curling irons, straightening irons, and a bunch of other irons/ hair care tools that I have no idea what they do. I wonder about my visiting sisters and their friends. Do I really know what they look like?

Girls are messy. I'm not talking about "women" or "ladies," or any of the other things that a group of single men might idealize them to be. Let no one fool you. Girls are messy. They're loud, they're messy, they're emotional, and they have some sort of assembly line factory that they construct in the bathroom that helps them to become the person you see and idealize every day at school or work or church.

It's been a while since I've been this close to girls. Real girls. messy, loud, emotional hair care factory girls. I've just been staring at the bathroom, trying to guess what things do, or even which direction you hold them. 

Boys are simple. we don't do much to make ourselves look presentable. We wash our clothes, shower, shave, and brush our teeth. Beyond that, there's not much help for us. Boys are simple, girls are complicated.  That's probably why we don't really understand each other very well. We form this strange paradox in relationships. We pull each other in different ways, each trying to make the other more like them.

I had forgotten what it was like to live with girls. I had gotten used to this male-centric existence that I had been living. I had forgotten how much I needed them. Even though we don't always get along. Even though we're technically opposites, even though I don't really understand most of the things they do. I need them.

Boys and girls have this long, sordid history of not getting along, and hurting each other. I've been hurt enough to not want it anymore, but I've learned something this week about girls, in the middle of all the video games, girly movies, and (wrong) lyrics to John Denver being sung out loud. I think we need each other, and I think that without these relationships, we'll always be just one half of the equation.


Rhoda Jien said...

Not all girls are complicated, well outside/physical wise. I don't spend very much time in the bathroom. I'm the person at a winter conference among a bunch of girls with make-up bags and etc.. holding a toothbrush with a piece of foil on it. Run on sentence.
But all girls are complicated on the inside.

LonelyBear said...

What's the foil for? Sounds a little complicated to me...

Sarah Nicole said...

Esteban.... boys are just as complicated.... girls and boys, they are both complicated...just in different ways. And remember, not all girls take a long time...just as Rhoda said. :)

But overall, I enjoyed reading some of your blogposts...you have a way of writing that really captures people in....great job!

LonelyBear said...

JUST as complicated? Are you sure about that? You sure that girls don't just project their complicatedness onto boys and then get frustrated when it doesn't make contextual sense? I still think that most boys are pretty simple, and most girls are pretty complicated. That's why they need each other.

It's not really about taking a long time in the bathroom. I know that not everyone does that. It's a state of being, and it's not a negative thing either. I appreciate the complicated nature of girls. When everything around you is so simply black and white, it's nice to see colors and tones of grey in perspective. It's beautiful.

Good to hear from you :)

Sashka said...

Stephen, I must say, I totally agree with you. Girls are so complicated. Sometimes too complicated for ourselves. And boys.. They are just too simple for us to understand. >.<

Friday said...

Put me down as agreement with you Steven... being on month number 4 of 6 without my girlfriend being on my side of the country, I have come to realize how simple (and to be honest, refreshing) life can be as I hang out with (mostly) guys and do almost all guy things. Every so often I hear my roommate go through those long phone conversations or odd arguments where the girl is arguing about something but mad about something else that happened like a week earlier and I think "ah, I really don't miss that complicated mess."

Yes girls are good, but boy are they complicated. I've given up trying to figure them out.

LonelyBear said...

Good point, my friend. Though personally, I find the complications to be refreshing right now:)

Though I find it strange that sashka (who has known me for all of 8 months) can manage to spell my name correctly while you (who have known me for 22 years and have a permanent place in my bridal party) still can't quite figure it out.

...hmmmm... maybe complicated CAN be good from time to time...

Friday said...

haha, how did that happen? well I had it as steve, then changed it to Stephen and didn't backspace enough... my bad.