
The Smell of Raindrops on Rooftops, Black Tops, High Tops

There's something about the smell of fresh bread baking in your oven while it's raining outside that makes it extremely satisfying to be alive.

It's raining in Orange County.

Real rain, like the kind that washed your car for you. Like the kind that makes your socks wet when you misjudge the depth of a puddle in front of the house.

My socks are wet.

It's raining.

I remember that I am now an adult, and that I am supposed to be very serious all the time, now that I can drive a car. I am supposed to watch television and movies to enjoy myself, because they provide a form of escape. I think I won't escape from today. I think that today I missed my cue to exit.

Happy Monday, world. You didn't get the best of me this time.


Sashka said...

So beautiful, Stephen.. I love reading your blog. Thank you. You inspire me to write something.. Maybe I will........

Anonymous said...

hey what is it about rain that makes us want to resist adult world?

i felt the same this week.

LonelyBear said...

I think that for me, rain is something that we worry about as adults. We worry about that latch on the trunk of our car that doesn't seal quite properly, or about the puddle that shows up on the carpet in our bedroom, but we weren't always like that.

When we were children, the entire world changed into something new for us when it rained. Every place we normally went was different. Every divot in the road became a body of water to splash our feet into. None of the things that worry us as adults were things we had to worry about back then. It was just... water coming down from the sky.

For all the worrying my parents did about those things, while I was outside splashing puddles with my brother, I don't think it really made a difference one way or the other. If that's really true, then I'd rather keep these worries out of my way.

I have puddles to splash in:)