Not my open mic night. Someone else's.
See, I met this guy two weeks ago who said he could hook me up with a venue in Santa Ana so that I could have a fundraiser for my movie that I have to make this year to prove that I'm not a failure. I can't remember who I am trying to prove this to, but it's important nonetheless.
This guy said he was going to the open mic night at The Gypsy Den in Santa Ana. I'm decide that I'll go too, since I want to network with him and the circle of artists he knows along with the ones I know... I'm not really sure if that's something I care about or if it's something I know I'm supposed to care about so I fake it when I'm around people who do.
Doesn't matter. I'm here.
And he's...
I don't think there's such a thing as wasting your time (with the exception of most things you can do on the internet). I think that if you're paying attention, something cool can always happen. God does stuff like that. Plus, the guy that runs the event says that if he can get through 25 people on the list, he'll let me read. Alright, I'm staying.
I'm working on a collection of children's poems, in the only way I know how to work on a collection of children's poems: By NOT working on a collection of children's poems. Although, if you were to ask me what I was doing, I would say that I was working on a collection of children's poems. In fact, that's what the girl sitting next to me asked, and that's what I told her.
I was doodling.
I feel like I might have met someone like her before. She reminds me of one of my sisters. Not any one in particular, just that she had a look, a manner of speaking and dressing herself that reminded me of the four intelligent, capable women that I have come to spend most of my time thinking about and interacting with. That's probably why we ended up talking so candidly. She came by herself, and so did I, and since the place was crowded, we elected to sit together.
The funny thing is, she had almost no interest in my poems. She kept staring at the picture I was drawing. I was drawing a lot of birds. Don't know why. A few of my good friends are afraid of birds. I think that makes birds even more interesting. It's not like they mean to frighten anyone...
We ended up talking about a lot of things, like why one should use a music stand, the existence of God, stage fright, and weather or not there was a long line in the bathroom. About 3/4 of the way though the set, she gets up, and begins one of the weirdest interactions I have had with a stranger in a long time.
"I have to go. But I think you should draw pictures for people."
"I think you should draw pictures for people. I really do."
"Um... okay, I'll think about it."
"I'm serious."
"Yeah, okay."
"No, I'm really serious."
"I'm serious."
Then she walked away. This easily qualifies as my WTF moment of the month. If anything stranger than that happens in the next two weeks, I will let you know.
Does anybody have any idea what that could mean?
drawing pictures... making pictures... pictures= movies..there you go! Strange but interesting interaction though.
PS: I hate birds. They are freaky.
hmm. Another one, huh?
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