
Strength in Layers of Cardboard

Crawled out of bed today. Sleep is my favourite. There's a ukulele by my bed made completely out of corrugated cardboard. It makes me want to try harder. I feel important today, like it's possible to do something, from start to finish. I used to want to change the world. Is it possible that this is a small dream as well?

I wonder.

I still get most of my news from Facebook. I guess it's better than being out of the loop, but I should probably pick up a newspaper from time to time. These days, everyone is passing around either a video by the Invisible Children guys about a man named Joseph Kony, or they are posting rebuttal articles, calling the video "one-sided and not helpful." All I can think is "damn it, here's another thing I have to form an opinion about in order to be an adult."

They really make you work for it, don't they?

Everyone says that the world is going to Hell and there's nothing we can do about it. Seems like they've been saying that forever. Saving the world is a small dream anyway. It'll never last. My thoughts today are on a cardboard ukulele, and the strength of the human heart, all wrapped up in layers over time. There is nothing in the world more important.

I want to save one of those.

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