Today was busy. A rush to the head. A thousand images per second as HyounJun and I tried to see everything we could see in a day. I only had a few moments to take in what others were spending the entire day on. Sausalito is nice. The Golden Gate bridge is actually orange ( and smaller than the Bay Bridge). The Palace of Fine Arts is beautiful. Chinatown is busy and frenzied. Japantown is...small. Haight - Ashberry is pretentious and overrated. Pier 39 is overpriced food and too many people. A gallery on Saulsalito was showing the lost art of Dr Seuss. I didn't know this (and apparently a lot of people don't) but he was actually a studio artist in addition to writing children's books. HyounJun
had never heard of him. I was explaining the stories to him. Dr Seuss was a surrealist, a social critic, and a poet. The world only knew him as the best writer in the world, for that brief time that we were all growing up. I think Dr Seuss might be my hero. After the natural light had left, and the artificial ones were out, HyounJun and I headed up to Twin Peaks, where we could get a good view of the city lights. This is the part of the story where everyone says that the city lights made them feel like they were looking down at the stars from up in heaven. I don't like being cliche, I'm actually very self conscious about it. I sometimes won't say what I'm thinking/feeling if I think that someone already said it. I think that's probably unhealthy, so I'll be honest, and I'll be damned if it didn't feel like looking down at the
stars from up in heaven. Our entire day was spread out in front of me. From the bridges, to the piers, to the streets, each of them buzzing with activity, as tiny people in tiny cars carried about their daily business, oblivious to the fact that we were watching them. People say this is how God must see the world, and that this view from the top is how He is able to love it. Like the scene in Star wars where R2D2 and C3po are escaping from Princess Leia's flagship. As they are flying away from the badly damaged vessel, 3po remarks "Funny, the damage doesn't look as bad from out here." I don't think God sees us this way. Not that He can't look down on what he has made and be proud. There's a lot of cool things out there. But he's in the streets and piers and bridges with us, too. He looks down from the top so he can guide us when we get lost, or distracted by something on the roadside. He sees the larger picture, the box of our puzzle, but he cares for the pieces individually.
My camera battery died at the top of the hill, but I didn't care. Showing people pictures of this was useless. I didn't want anyone to think that because they had seen some collection of 1's and 0's on a computer screen that they had seen what I saw that night. HyounJun wanted to go clubbing earlier that night. I have remarked several times how I feel about clubbing, but I would still go with him. He's my Friend. Fortunately he was too tired, and I was glad to make this our last stop. We were spending the night with Chelsea at her home in Marin. The city can be exhausting, but seeing an old friend never disappoints. I a going to sleep tonight, and dream about Heaven, knowing that I have been met while just a tiny person in a tiny car, oblivious to the fact that someone has been watching me. Life will never be perfect, but the damage doesn't look so bad from out here.

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