

Pockets are completely useless.

Every time I sit down, my pockets turn sideways and all the coins I had inside spill out. It's like I can only keep my things if I never relax. It really makes one think: how long have pockets been around? Have we really been using them for so long and overlooked this critical flaw in their design?

I think pockets need a beta test group, then we can fix them once and for all.

What shall we call the new thing we make up to replace them? The idea of pockets have already slipped into our subconscious as a society. I think it may be too late to try to give them another name.

I think we're stuck with pockets, actually. Regardless of their flaws, we've come to rely on them. Even if I could come up with something better, I don't think I could really switch over from something I already feel so accustomed to.

Could we just change everything?

I can imagine a world where we worry about what is best before what is comfortable. Where we can change because what we used to do was completely useless. In this world, I don't lose valuable things just because I let my guard down for a minute; because I relaxed...

I want something of value to hold on to. Something that no pocket can keep.

Regardless of my flaws, I've come to rely on myself.

Couldn't we just change everything?

All of my change just keeps spilling out of my stupid pockets.

1 comment:

Hannah Joy said...

I like this post. Definitely food for thought. Love you!