

I'm writing again. I'm going to put a poem up here soon, about this weird phase in my life. So keep me accountable, you loyal reader(s?), because I should have enough time to accomplish things here. That's all for now. 

P.S. I just went on an outing with the kids from the nursery @ my church. There's something about children that makes life bearable. I know it doesn't really make sense, that the fact that new life is constantly being added to the painful, dizzying chaos of the "real world," and I think that's a good thing. You'd think I wouldn't want to wish anyone else to come and experience the world as it is. But I do. I think that's another reason why I believe in God.


Oberon said...

.....everything i say...is a lie.

Gloria said...

Dear ENFP,

Pls cheer up, life is for fun, is the gift of God. Though suffer/dark also could be cherished, well, I do hope you can come through and go into bright.
That must be some way, keep trying. Nothing is impossible!

I just finish one book, name The monk, who sold his Ferrari. Hope you could have a look. You would benefit for all your life.

Cheers and Good luck!

Anonymous said...

where's that poem?