
Failure To Communicate

Here's the deal with me right now.
My car is wrecked, and racking up fines in the lot of a tow yard in Rowland Heights. My insurance is no help, AAA is no help, niether can I get more than an unintelligible mumble from the brilliant minds behind "Bob's Towing." The junk yard wants me to move my car to my house in order to pick it up. They won't explain why. I tried to call them today, to try and work something out, contingent on me calling one of the 200 people on my phone that can give me a ride with about 2 minutes notice. Unfortunetly, my call was rederected to Verison Wireless customer service, because of an unpaid bill. Since my Mother forgets her phone every time she leaves the house, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who will notice this for quite some time. There goes another day, another daily fee, and I really don't have the time to deal with any of this tomorrow. Unless I cancel my internship. I could call in, but wait...oh yeah. I don't have a working phone. So I am here. Stuck. Worse than being on the side of the road, because I know exactly what this is costing me. And I don't have it. In fact, the only way this phone of mine worked today was so I could get a text message from my roomate telling me to pray for his girlfriend, because she's in the ER. Why was it again, that I was afraid of the real world? Oh yeah. That's right. Now I remember.

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