Where am I? Oh yeah. Target.
I'm shopping for Christmas presents, even though I have no money. Even though I know that presents are not what it's about. Even though I have no good ideas for anyone, and I have no desire to pretend that I know these people any more than I do. I have a sister in law, a brother in law and a new aunt this year. Can't even remember the Aunt's name. How am I supposed to buy her a gift? My uncle buys the entire family a tub of popcorn every year. We wanted to do that for him this year, but mom said that wasn't funny.
Mom. Where is my mom?
I feel more and more like I don't understand anything about life. How did Christmas become about...this? The worst part is, this isn't a new thought. Someone else always says something like this every year. How Christmas is a hollow shell. How no one really "feels" in the spirit of Christmas anymore. How we spend ten times the amount it would take to solve world hunger every year on shit we don't need. But nothing. We don't ever do more than complain. It almost seems like it's a part of the Christmas ritual to question the validity of this Christmas season and then do nothing about your convictions. I guess I just need to keep my head down, walk straight, and do my best to just survive this season. I'm dizzy.
I just need to get my mom and get out of here.
It's unfair. This numbness, this inability to think of anything but familial duty and my checking account balance, when I'm supposed to be remembering the only truly selfless action ever witnessed in the entire history of humanity.
It must be lame to have so many people who don't even acgnowlege you on your birthday.
He was born in a manger, you know? He was born in a feeding trough, and one of the wise men gave him embalming fluid. And we don't even remember. Happy birthday.
Mom found me. I'm getting out of here. Thank God (first time I've thought of Him all day). Me and Timmy are going to Dorithy's Place to throw a Christmas party for the homeless ladies he knows. We pray before we start. Timmy says that if we learn how to love people enough, somehow they will know where it comes from. Who taught him that? I certainly didn't. He and Karolina are at Dorithy's Place every Monday. Only missed three in the last two years.
Dorithy! That's my what new aunt's name is.
The women are all grateful. Timmy bought them Christmas presents. One of the women there told Timmy he was probably autistic. He thought she said "artistic", so he said thank you. We had pizza, and christmas decorations and candy. There was too much. We went out on the streets, and passed out candy and hot cocoa to the people who couldn't come inside. Tim says not to tell Mom or Dad, or Karolina's parents that we did that. They would make us stop coming if they knew we talked to people on the streets.
Life is not what i wanted it to be. One second, I am dizzy in Target, looking for my Mommy, questioning the purpose behind everything from gift giving to theology, to the breath coming out of my lungs, each consecutive cycle spending slightly more energy than it seems worth. The next moment, I am staring at my little borther, and his girlfriend, learning how to love people, learning enough that they would know why, and I am holding my breath for fear that my exhales would frighten this moment away.
So why should I care if my moments are pointless and numbing, or filled with purpose and hot cocoa? Either way, I can't breathe.
A Story
3 reasons I'm happy today...
Father Say, Mother Do
Love at Five Dollars a Day
1...2...3... Time To Jump
Things I See That Make Me Wish I Lived In Canada
Eight year old boys
with sunglasses
sipping on Starbucks coffee.
Morbidly obese women
a double
cheeseburger with large
French fries
diet coke.
42 ounces, of course,
to make sure
that greasy burger slides
all the way down their throats.
Fat people
Who think that
Those in
Undeveloped countries
starving because
They don’t work
as hard
as we do,
Otherwise they’d have
As much food
as we
access to.
People passing by
homeless, hungry
men on
the street,
muttering quietly
about the downfall of
the economy,
while on their way
out of the
toy store,
Starbucks coffee.
Forever 21
Too, producing
sluttier clothing
everyone else is
trying to find
a way to reduce
A woman
talking on her cell phone,
an umbrella
to ride
her bicycle.
Sipping on Starbucks coffee.
Safety Pins and Mismatched Socks
I Want To Be Somebody's Bitch
Mild Mannered
Broken Bodies
Difficult to Swallow Bible Verses
I Love...
Looking For a Job After Graduation, Stuck in Traffic
A Visitor From the East
I hope you drown on the West coast horizon.
I hope the ocean finally takes you.
I hope that when you come around in the morning
One of us isn’t here to see your
Blinding bright sunlight screaming through
the barricade of my tightly squeezed eyelids.
I hope one of us wonders why
My eyes are no longer open to
The brilliance of you and
Wondering why you haven’t
settled next to me.
I hope the moon is in the sky
The entire day and you and I don’t
Ever cross our paths again.
You burn me. Prolonged exposure.
Too bright, too high in the sky
Combined with too low, too small, not good enough.
So pass me by, you giant orb of ever-expanding gas
And wonder as you fly over me
Why I’m no longer hovering around
Mistaking orbit for relationship
Like Pluto before we found out
He didn’t belong.
I’ll find another gravitational pull
To get sucked into.
Another universe to sign my name to.
Pass over me, alone in the sky
All along wondering why I haven’t tried to hold your hand.
I've been burned before for trying to take lesser stars
from their place above me.
The scars on my hand prove that you were just another one.
Mutual Exchange
You tore the two of us apart
Like a piece of paper coming out of a calculator.
Between us, only a receipt for goods tendered
Marked “all sales our final! No returns!”
But you’ve put yourself up in the window again
With a bright yellow tag announcing “for sale”
Underneath where it says your name.
I don’t return broken merchandise
But have a tendancy to misplace pieces
Lost a piece of me underneath your couch
“you broke it, you bought it”
I agreed to pay the full amount
Saving this paper for my records.
In case I get audited
Or somehow forget that
We’re friends who don’t
owe each other anything anymore.
I haven’t seen you in a while
But I guess it’s true
What they say
That you get
pay for.
Busy busy busy...but still with nothing to do...
A Day at the Beach
Mornings Have Disappeared
In Between Sunrises
Fire Shut up, I can't shut up.
Dear John...I Mean Blog...
San Fransico Day 3: Downhill

San Fransisco Day 2: A View From the Top

San Fransisco Day One: Shorelines/Transitions

Ducks and Humans
People have always said of me that I am more emotionally involved with most things than I should be. That's probably true, and I think I proved it today. I couldn't just sit there and watch these ducks kill another duck just because they were horny, so I got up, and tried to scare them off her. They all scattered instantly, except for one guy. He was probably captain of the duck football team or something. Douche bag. Duck bag? I don't know. I kicked him. I kicked him square in the stomach, and he went flying. She got away, and got a serious head start. He and his crew caught up with her on the other side of the lake, where I assume he got what he wanted, since the struggling stopped.
I'm an idiot, really. Appointing myself chancellor of duck rape prevention. And failing. I guess I really don't know what else to do. Ducks aren't really that cute after all. They remind me of humans in far too many ways. I wish...
I don't know what I wish. I guess I just wish I didn't feel so close to all this mess. Human beings aren't really that much better at relationships than ducks. I can see some of them across the shore, flapping their wings in the air with their chests puffed out. I used to think that was cute. Arrogant bastards.
Old vs. Home (the difference between giving up and letting go)
When I was little, I cried a lot. Not, I don't cry so much. It's not because life got easier, but more because I got tired of crying about everything. So, I stopped. One day, I just said to myself enough, boys don't cry, and I stopped. There was this Element 101 song called "The Fragile" that I lived in high school, because it was just so true to how I felt about life.Thee were these lyrics that kept repeating on my head over and over again. "When you shut the door/ And lay yourself on the floor/ That's how you know/ That's when you know that you're old./" Don't slow down. Don't give up. Don't close the door. Don't lay on the floor. That will be the end of you. I carried that philosophy most of my life. Never show any weakness and never admit that you're tired. I put up a good fight for a long time. I didn't lay down on the floor, but I was tired. I started crying again this last year. I just couldn't hold up that front any longer. It's amazing how different it is when you don't have to fight alone. When your friends can wipe your tars, and hug you and pray for you. Putting up a brave front never seemed so stupid to me in my life. Maybe Element 101 was wrong. Maybe it's better to be old.
I was at the beach this last Friday with my friends. I was going to graduate from college the next day. My family was going to visit me at the beach. The two worlds that rarely come together. As I sat on the beach, worshiping God with my friends, and anticipating the long overdue arrival of my family, I laid myself on the floor of the beach, and stared up at the sky. The stars stood out like pins holding this giant quilt of space up like a canopy of protection over me. The ocean breeze, mixed with the laughter of familiar friends was the closest to the voice of God that I have ever heard.
"This is how I know.../"
My family came up and surprised me from behind, and I hugged each of them as family deserves to be hugged. I needed a moment to soak all this in. This was not giving up. This is what I had been waiting for, and missing all along.
I just listened to that Element 101 song again, and it's really funny how your attitude can really color your perspective. That lyric, the one that had been playing in my head forever was wrong. Those weren't the words at all.
"When you shut the door/ And lay yourself on the floor/ That's how you know/ That's when you know that you're home./"
The door is closed, and I am laying on the ground. I am home.
Steve the Tomato
I don't really get along with my uncle, and it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he looks like a human vegetable (I mean fruit). He's kind of in a cult. If any of my CSUF peeps have had any run ins with the campus group "Christian Students", you'll know what I mean. He's with them. Some of the things that he believes are just so strange to me, and I find myself embarrassed by him sometimes, especially because he claims that his beliefs are not cultish but a truer interpretation of Christianity. Beyond that, he is sooooo stubborn. I once had a conversation with him for over a half hour about a stupid game of poker. He was so obviously wrong, and everyone in the room knew it, but I guess he thought that if he didn't admit defeat he would still be right somehow. This mentality carries over into every aspect of his life. My mom won't even talk to him anymore. My mother is the sweetest, most forgiving and patient person in the world (She's married to my Dad, enough said) and SHE gave up on him. Often enough, I wonder why my aunt Claudia even married him. I guess maybe he was attractive at one point. That, however, is now gone, and he is just this big, stubborn...tomato of a man.
I guess the point of all this really made sense to me this last weekend. My cousin Becky got married last weekend (the day of my graduation), so the whole family packed into three cars and headed out to the sweltering heat of San Bernadino, to go to a crazy cult wedding. Actually, the service wasn't that bad, and the man who is marrying my cousin seems like a nice, mentally stable man. I really didn't expect that. I saw my uncle across the room at the reception, and as he crossed over to say his hellos, I prepared myself to make small talk that didn't involve theology, poker, or fruits that everyone thinks are vegetables. Fortunately, I had a lot of material to talk about, with recent family developments and all. Steve came up, shook my hand, and told me how excited he was to see two more weddings in the family (My sister and my brother) coming up this summer. "All my children are finally married," he said. "So, I guess you're next." I had to laugh (It's better than the other option). I am incurably single, you see. Beyond that, I had just received a bachelor's degree that morning. Marriage at this point would simply be false advertising. I tried to explain this to my uncle, but I mentioned before how stubborn he is. He stopped me in the middle. "Listen," he said. "All you need to do is find a woman that loves the Lord." "Oh crap," I thought. "He wants to talk about God." I further explained that while, yes, that is the top priority, there are other factors to consider, such as compatibility, and common interests. The whole time, he was shaking his head at me. "The only reason anyone can ever get along is the resurrection," he replied, in his all-too-sure-of-himself preacher voice. He put his hand on my shoulder. For a man who walks around with such a glazed over look on his face, Steve has a pretty strong grip. I'll never forget what he said to me. "Take the advice of a loser who somehow made it thirty seven years. I slipped on a banana peel in the first round, and somehow made it up again. and now, look at all of this." He spread his arms out and pointed to the corners of the room, where his wife, his children, and grandchildren were sitting, laughing and playing around. "If I can make it," he said, "You can make it."
I'm not really the type of person who gets super depressed about being single. Not anymore, at least. I figure I'll probably someday meet someone really cool, who has poor taste in men, and we'll go from there. And if not, oh well. Life's too short to waste it complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. And I've been given so much, what right do I have to complain anyway? Even still, I can't deny I was a little jealous of uncle Steve, and what God had given him that night. I wonder what it would feel like to be a husband, then father, then grandfather. He's been those things for longer than I've been alive. I don't think my uncle has the scriptures completely correct. Not by a long shot. Even still, if you look at all that God has given him, and his attitude about receiving it, you cant help but wonder. Maybe God loves my uncle as much as he loves me.
Oh, and I can be pretty stubborn too.
Basslines and Bible Belts
Clubs are dark. The people who go to clubs are cool. They look cool, at least. Maybe they look cool because of how dark it is. When it's dark, you can kind of be whatever you want. You could say that you are everything you ever wished you were. Who would know that you're not? No one. You're unbelievably cool, until the light comes on. My friend saw someone she knew outside of the club. He tried to hit on her. He didn't realize yet that we were outside of the club and we could see him. He wasn't cool anymore. It's weird. there's these bright flashes of light that come from strobes and these video screens they had up. When they go off, you can see everything as it is, for just a second. Everyone trying so hard. Trying hard to be seen, but not fully. To be only seen as a shadow, because the light ruins the illusion of their existence. Of what their existence has been fabricated to be. It struck me last night that people want to hide, but they need to be seen. They need to be known for who they are, not the dressed up, sexualized, super slick, slightly drunk version of themselves that they have grown to prefer. People need brief flashes of light to remind them of who they truly are. It's not good enough just to be known, though. You have to be loved, with the lights on, wearing your messy clothes, putting your hair into a sloppy bun. Just as you are. I realized last night that no one ever told the girls in that club any of those things. They know that they have to hide, or be alone, and the flashes of light only hurt their eyes.
It's a sad thing that I've seen. People who would choose the darkest corners of the room over breif flashes of light, because they do not know. They are not known.