
December 27, 2007

I'm starting a blog. I'm not really starting a blog, I'm writing things down on a peice of paper that will eventually become a blog when I put it on the internet. Then everyone will read it, and leave me thousands of comments, and call me briliant. Or no one will read it. What if nobody reads this? Oh well, I guess I'll write it anyway. It's neccessary. My brain is too small to hold the extra stuff, so I write. I have been cutting and recutting my hair, changing my clothes, sticking pieces of metal into my face, then taking them out, then putting them back in. Then the sweatband, the hat, no hat, the other hat. I look in the mirror a lot. It isn't vanity, it's curiosity. I'm looking for something that's familiar, something that fits. I want to look on the outside how I feel on the inside. I want to feel the same way long enough to be dressed the same all day. There's something in me, beneath the piles of clothes and hats, and after the hours I've spent in front of the mirror. There's something good. I know it. I have to know it. Don't worry about me, freinds. I'm not really anything yet, but one day I will be.

"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; Then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

-First Corrinthians 13:12

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