
December 31, 2007

Alice: I was wondering if you could tell me which way I ought to go?
Cheshire Cat: That all depends on where you wanna get to?
Alice: Well, that really doesn't matter, as long as I-
Cheshire Cat: Well, then it really doesn't matter... which way...you go.

I've decided that Alice in Wonderland was really about drugs. Today is my unbirthday. Tomorrow is not. I don't turn 23 today. Tomorrow? That's a different story. I got a letter from my grandparents today. It said "Happy Birthday" and there was a twenty dollar bill inside the envelope. "buy whatever you want for your birthday," the note said. Good thing most of the things I want are worth less than twenty dollars. I want a movie. I don't have enough movies, because everyone tells me that a film major should have a lot of movies, and I guess Milo and Otis and The Care Bear Movie just aren't impressing anyone anymore. I went to find the Suncoast Video store at the Northridge Mall in Salinas. They shut Suncoast down. In it's place, the mall now has two Verison Wireless stores. Why does everyone want the same thing? Why don't I want what they want? Better question (one that can't be answered in just one post): How bad has capitalism gotten that I've started to miss chain stores? I mean, all the Mom and Pop places are long gone, but at least we used to have some choice as to where we spent our money. I'm not going to Walmart. I'm just not. There was an FYE across the street from where the old Warehouse used to be. They had used DVD's, buy two, get one free. It took me an hour and a half to look at every used DVD in the store, so I could find three that I wanted. I think that a lot of what I do is finding something good in what other people throw away. I like that. I did find something. I found three great movies for the price of one. I am happy. An hour and a half at FYE taught me to keep looking for something good in what other people throw away. It's there. It's waiting for you. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear Stephen. Happy birthday to me.

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