I just came in from walking my friends to their car. It's raining outside, and I'm soaked from head to toe. The Bible says that there's a season for everything. Right now, it's raining, and I miss someone who used to tell me stories about the rain. She's not even gone yet, I just miss her because I know that some day she will be. Human life is so fleeting, like water droplets, spilling over the top of themselves, only to spill down a drain, to flow into the ocean, to join with the numberless droplets that make up the oceans that stretch across this giant planet, never again to know the freedom, the pure ecstasy of being a lone droplet, with nothing else attached, free to splash where it pleases. Funny how rain can make you feel so many different things. Someday, I'll hear the sound of the rain knocking ever so politely at my window, and I'll think of that person I miss, whose not gone, and how lovely our conversations about rain were. I'll smile as I swear to myself that the patter of rain falling on the sidewalk resurrects the subtle, symphonic sounds of her voice, like notes on a piano. Today, I'm soaked to the bone. My socks are wet, and I can't help but think that the raindrops were foolish to fall to the earth and become the sea. I am a raindrop again. Stuck. I tried to join the ocean, and got lost in the shuffle of a thousand other drips like me. And what drops I almost joined have been swept away. I'm not supposed to think about her anymore. I am a water droplet once again, unattached and afraid that it will hurt when I fall to the ground, and join all the other people who travelled all their lives, only to splash on the sidewalk and be washed down the drain.
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